Oculi omnium in te sperant, Domine: et tu das illis escam in tempore opportuno.V. Aperis tu manum tuam: et imples omne animal benedictione.
The eyes of all look towards you in Hope, O Lord, and you give them their food in due season. V. You open your hand and fill every living thing with your blessing…
Gradual, Ps. 144:15-16 (26th Sunday in tempus per annum)
(photo: Joel Pidel)
Following the Mass, there was a reception in the church’s undercroft.
The Catholic Artists Society wishes to thank all those who donated their time and work to make the event a great success, especially those artists who so generously donated their talents to the day!
Acknowledgements & special thanks go to:
The Catholic Artists Society was initiated in response to Pope Benedict XVI’s Address to Artists at the Sistine Chapel in November, 2009. Following the Holy Father’s call for artists to be “custodians of Beauty” and “heralds and witnesses of Hope for humanity” the Society seeks to encourage the ongoing artistic and spiritual development of artists and media professionals, so that their work may more perfectly reflect God’s glory, enriching and ennobling men and women, our society and our culture.
If you would like to be notified of future events sponsored by the Catholic Artists Society, please write to catholicartistssociety@gmail.com. Donations gratefully received.